The Goal of the prize is to acknowledge the outstanding research within the scope of a dissertation and its excellent procurement in spoken and written form.
Eligible to be nominated are scientifically outstanding dissertations in the fields of AMOP, which have been completed in 2007 or 2008.
Eligible to nominate is the supervisor of the dissertation except for members of the jury.
Selection procedure: A jury established by the AMOP section will identify up to four finalists among the nominees, who will be invited to hold a talk about their work at a dissertation prize symposium at the Spring Meeting in Hamburg. Subsequent to the symposium the jury will choose an awardee being announced in the course of the conference. Each finalist will get a travel grant for the Spring Meeting amounting to 500 Euro. The prize money for the awardee amounts to 1500 Euro.
The complete nomination has to be sent electronically by the supervisor in form of a single pdf file to Prof. Dr. J. M. Rost, , by the 15th of December, 2008 at the latest. Please mention the keyword “AMOP Prize”.
The complete nomination contains:
* The section AMOP comprises the working groups Atomic Physics (A), Short Time-Scale Physics (K), Mass Spectrometry (MS), Molecular Physics (MO), Plasma Physics (P), Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q).